Let’s Get Ready!

Holy how where did the year go? Can you believe we are at the edge of another NaNoWriMo season already? But here we are, and it is time to get geared up once again for a month of writing fun and productivity! 😀

Jason, Kess, and Rippy are BACK for another year and we want you to join us! Of course it is not November yet, but Preptober is a thing for a reason, and we are here to help you from start to finish!

In the next day or two will you will get the first big business email from your lovely MLs, with the information you need to customize your NaNo experience to suit your needs. Whether you are here for peak productivity or tons of fun (or both,) we have ways to help you out. And if we don’t have something already set up, let us know and we will see what we can do!

Things will run similarly to last year, with the chat in Discord, and with in-person and virtual options for events. If you are interested in hosting, the survey that runs through the month of October is the way to sign up for that (link coming in October.) That survey helps us a LOT, even if you can only get through part of it. It’s the best way to help us make this region the most fun, the most productive, the most inclusive, that it can be!

Speaking of our region, did you notice the name change finally happened? We are now officially Grand Rapids, but we have not shrunk, but expanded! We are welcoming back the Muskegon area and as usual, anyone from anywhere is welcome to come hang out with us. But now our name fits the HQ format better and will actually fit in question fields. So if you are looking for us on your socials, don’t be confused!

So, keep an eye open for Jason’s email coming this weekend, and get thinking about what YOU want to accomplish this NaNo! A new novel? A finished project? A new personal best? You can do it! We all can!We hope to see you all very soon! 😀
