PREPtober: Week II

It’s the second week of October. We’re a scant three weeks away from the First of November. Your region is here to help you get ready to rock-‘n’-roll!

This Week’s Prep Event

On the evening of Wednesday, October 11, we’ll assemble for “Characters in Conflict.” In this session, Jason will offer a half-hour reflection about why a plot without a conflict is like a car without a gas tank: It might look lovely from a distance but it isn’t going to get you anywhere. We’ll discuss literary conflict: why it matters, how it should inform the events of a story, and how it influences the interplay of characters over the arc of a story. After the reflection, the group will workshop participants’ specific questions or barriers around commercial literary viability. And, despite the topic, we’ll try to keep it fun! Even if you’re writing just for yourself, this chat will give you new nuggets to consider about the big-picture structure of your novel.

The session occurs from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Jason’s Books and Coffee, located at 1590 44th St. SW, Wyoming, 49509. There’s no cost to attend and no expectation that you’ll purchase any books or coffee from the bookstore. Light snacks and beverages will be available for free. You’re welcome to come early, to enjoy the bookstore’s seating to read, write, or relax in peace. 

This session is in-person only. If you’re planning to attend and either need or can offer a ride for others, please pop into our Discord server.

Reminders, Updates, & Opportunities

A few other things:

  • Kickoff is coming! Join us on Saturday, Oct. 28, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Allendale Township Library. No cost to attend and light snacks will be provided, as well as teh regional goodie bag. We’ll start with a little opener — advice, inspiration, details, &c. — from the MLs, then we’ll break into groups. One group is mostly social, to connect (or re-connect!) with friends, while the other group
  • If you haven’t yet taken the regional survey, now’s the time. People interested in hosting a write-in should complete the survey by the 15th of October so we can get everything finalized. The survey helps us plan for gaps in the in-person planning as well as offering all of you lovely people the chance to request a goodie bag if you can’t attend the in-person Kickoff event.
  • Are you familiar with the Come Write In program? It’s a NaNoWriMo program where different venues can post times where writers are welcome to drop in to write. So far, two bookstores (that we know of) have taken the plunge. Bettie’s Pages in Lowell is CWI from 11a to 7p on the Wednesdays of October, and Jason’s Books and Coffee in Wyoming is CWI on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 7a to 3p. Speaking of Bettie’s Pages — their grand re-opening (new location) occurs on October 14. Check them out!
  • Subscribe to the blog! Our blog is the “source and summit” of the region’s news alerts and official messages. Given how many who don’t participate are subscribed to our region on the NaNoWriMo page, it’s quite likely that soon, we’ll stop double-posting these messages as NaNo Mails.

Have a tip, resource, or opportunity to share with the region? Let us know by dropping a note through our Contact Us page.