We’ve made the difficult but necessary decision to sever ties with National Novel Writing Month.
Author: Jason Gillikin
Week IV: The Final Countdown!
Get the low-down on what’s coming as we end this year’s NaNoWriMo season.
Update: Write-In Cancelation; Leaderboard Status
The Panera & Prose write-in is canceled today, plus a leaderboard update.
Week III: Winners, Inbound!
We’re now into the third week of The Main Event. This is the week where we start to see the early winners surge while, for others, their confidence wanes.
DOKN ’23 and the Week Ahead
We’re into the mid-month slog. One more full week of writing, followed by the Week of Thanksgluttony, followed by the end of the road for this year’s NaNoWriMo main event. […]
NaNo ’23 — One Week In!
We’re now almost a week into November. Words are happening. Events are transpiring. Inspiration is flowing. And soon, the Land of Oh Gosh This Is Really Hard shall darken our maps.
Aaand, we’re off!
It’s now Day 2 of The Main Event, and we’re already off to an awesome start. Between a great kickoff party, a full events calendar, and the Wednesday Night Weirdos kicking things off virtually, participants are getting ALL THE WORDS and many are trying to earn ALL THE POINTS for the Fantasy Quest challenge.
2023 Fantasy Quest, & Other Updates
We’re just hours away from The Main Event. Seems like just yesterday, although it was August, that Kess and I met to plan November’s activities. And now, here we are. In this post, we’ll recap Kickoff, introduce the 2023 Fantasy Quest, and give you the details on DOKN and write-ins.
PREPtober: Week IV
Oh, gosh. It’s, uh, like a week until November 1. Where does the time go? Seems like we were in this same boat just 52 scant weeks ago.
PREPtober: Week III
NaNoWriMo 2023 is almost upon us. Are you ready? If you’re like me, then the answer is that you’re probably more ready than you feel but less ready than you like. But your trusty MLs believe in you!